Sensei Result Reference

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		// server-side latency
	    "time": 54,
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	    "hits": [
	        "tags": ["chick magnet", "cool", "highend", "moon-roof", "reliable"],
	        "mileage": ["00000000000000011000"],
	        // stored fields
	        "_stored": [
	            "val": "red exotic chick magnet cool highend moon-roof reliable china shanghai european bmw m-5 ",
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	            "name": "city"
	        "_explanation": {
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	                "freq": 1
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	        "color": ["red"],
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	        "year": ["00000000000000001996"],
	        "groupid": ["0000000000000000000000000000000000010060"],
	        "makemodel": ["european/bmw/m-5"]
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	            "count": 554,
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	        }, {
	            "selected": false,
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	            "count": 2160,
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	    "tid": -1