Filter Reference
Checkout Request, Query, and Selections sections for detailed references.
{ //id filter "ids":{ "values":[ "1", "4", "100" ], "excludes":[ "5" ] }, //and filter "and":[ { "term":{ "color":{ "value":"red", "_noOptimize":false } } }, { "query":{ "query_string":{ "query":"this AND that OR thus" } } } ], //or filter "or":[ { "term":{ "color":{ "value":"red", "_noOptimize":false } } }, { "term":{ "category":{ "value":"van", "_noOptimize":false } } } ], //boolean filter "bool":{ "must":{ "term":{ "tag":"wow" } }, "must_not":{ "range":{ "age":{ "from":10, "to":20 } } }, "should":[ { "term":{ "tag":"sometag" } }, { "term":{ "tag":"sometagtag" } } ] }, //term filter "term":{ "color":{ "value":"red", "_noOptimize":false } }, //query filter //see queries.json for a list of valid queries "query":{ "query_string":{ "query":"this AND that OR thus" } }, "terms":{ "tags":{ "values":[ "blue", "pill" ], "excludes":[ "red" ], "operator":"or", "_noOptimize":false } //or// "tags":[ "blue","pill"], default operator or }, //range filter //see range query "range":{ "age":{ "from":10, "to":20, "_noOptimize":false, "_type":"int", //when _noOptimize is true and the data of 'from' and 'to' field fit into the following types, // we have to specify the type here. // currently these types have to be specified: "int","short","long","float","double", "date". "_date_format":"yyyyMMdd-kk:mm" // if the type is date, format needs to be specified, "from" "to" are long; } }, "selection":{ "term":{ }, "terms":{ }, "range":{ }, "path":{ } } }