BNF Grammar for BQL

BNF Notation

We use a modified BNF notation to describe BQL. The following table lists the meaning of all the meta-symbols we use.

|Or. Choose one of the items.
[ ]Enclose optional items.
*Flags items that can be repeated 0 or more times.
( )Group items so that they can be marked with one of the symbols: [ ], |, or *.

BQL Grammar

Below is an overview of the BQL grammar in BNF. Detailed documentation of statements and clauses can be found in later sections.

<statement> ::= ( <select_stmt> | <describe_stmt> ) [';']

<select_stmt> ::= SELECT <select_list> [<from_clause>] [<where_clause>] [<given_clause>]

<describe_stmt> ::= ( DESC | DESCRIBE ) [<index_name>]

<select_list> ::= '*' | <column_name_list>

<column_name_list> ::= <column_name> ( ',' <column_name> )*

<from_clause> ::= FROM <index_name>

<where_clause> ::= WHERE <search_expr>

<search_expr> ::= <predicate>
                | <search_expr> (AND | OR) <search_expr>
                | '(' <search_expr> ')'

<predicates> ::= <predicate> ( AND <predicate> )*

<predicate> ::= <in_predicate>
              | <contains_all_predicate>
              | <equal_predicate>
              | <not_equal_predicate>
              | <query_predicate>
              | <between_predicate>
              | <range_predicate>
              | <time_predicate>
              | <match_predicate>

<in_predicate> ::= <column_name> [NOT] IN <value_list> [<except_clause>] [<predicate_props>]

<contains_all_predicate> ::= <column_name> CONTAINS ALL <value_list> [<except_clause>]

<equal_predicate> ::= <column_name> '=' <value> [<predicate_props>]

<not_equal_predicate> ::= <column_name> '<>' <value> [<predicate_props>]

<query_predicate> ::= QUERY IS <quoted_string>

<between_predicate> ::= <column_name> [NOT] BETWEEN <value> AND <value>

<range_predicate> ::= <column_name> <range_op> <numeric>

<time_predicate> ::= <column_name> IN LAST <time_span>
                   | <column_name> ( SINCE | AFTER | BEFORE ) <time_expr>

<match_predicate> ::= MATCH '(' column_name_list ')' AGAINST '(' quoted_string ')'

<like_predicate> ::= <column_name> LIKE <quoted_string>

<value_list> ::= '(' <value> ( ',' <value> )* ')'

<value> ::= <quoted_string> | <numeric>

<range_op> ::= '<' | '<=' | '>=' | '>'

<except_clause> ::= EXCEPT <value_list>

<predicate_props> ::= WITH <prop_list>

<prop_list> ::= '(' <key_value_pair> ( ',' <key_value_pair> )* ')'

<key_value_pair> ::= <quoted_string> ':' <quoted_string>

<given_clause> ::= GIVEN FACET PARAM <facet_param_list>

<facet_param_list> ::= <facet_param> ( ',' <facet_param> )*

<facet_param> ::= '(' <facet_name> <facet_param_name> <facet_param_type> <facet_param_value> ')'

<facet_param_name> ::= <quoted_string>

<facet_param_type> ::= BOOLEAN | INT | LONG | STRING | BYTEARRAY | DOUBLE

<facet_param_value> ::= <quoted_string>

<additional_clauses> ::= ( <additional_clause> )+

<additional_clause> ::= <order_by_clause>
                      | <group_by_clause>
                      | <limit_clause>
                      | <browse_by_clause>
                      | <fetching_stored_clause>

<order_by_clause> ::= ORDER BY <sort_specs>

<sort_specs> ::= <sort_spec> ( ',', <sort_spec> )*

<sort_spec> ::= <column_name> [<ordering_spec>]

<ordering_spec> ::= ASC | DESC

<group_by_clause> ::= GROUP BY <group_spec>

<group_spec> ::= <facet_name> [TOP <max_per_group>]

<limit_clause> ::= LIMIT [<offset> ','] <count>

<offset> ::= ( <digit> )+

<count> ::= ( <digit> )+

<browse_by_clause> ::= BROWSE BY <facet_specs>

<facet_specs> ::= <facet_spec> ( ',' <facet_spec> )*

<facet_spec> ::= <facet_name> [<facet_expression>]

<facet_expression> ::= '(' <expand_flag> <count> <count> <facet_ordering> ')'

<expand_flag> ::= TRUE | FALSE

<facet_ordering> ::= HITS | VALUE

<fetching_stored_clause> ::= FETCHING STORED [<fetching_flag>]

<fetching_flag> ::= TRUE | FALSE

<quoted_string> ::= '"' ( <char> )* '"'
                  | "'" ( <char> )* "'"

<identifier> ::= <identifier_start> ( <identifier_part> )*

<identifier_start> ::= <alpha> | '-' | '_'

<identifier_part> ::= <identifier_start> | <digit>

<column_name> ::= <identifier>

<facet_name> ::= <identifier>

<alpha> ::= <alpha_lower_case> | <alpha_upper_case>

<alpha_upper_case> ::= A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O
                     | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

<alpha_lower_case> ::= a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o
                     | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z

<digit> ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

<numeric> ::= <time_expr> | <number>

<number> ::= <integer> | <real>

<integer> ::= ( <digit> )+

<real> ::= ( <digit> )+ '.' ( <digit> )+

<time_expr> ::= <time_span> AGO
              | <date_time_string>
              | NOW

<time_span> ::= [<time_week_part>] [<time_day_part>] [<time_hour_part>]
                [<time_minute_part>] [<time_second_part>] [<time_millisecond_part>]

<time_week_part> ::= <integer> ( 'week' | 'weeks' )

<time_day_part>  ::= <integer> ( 'day'  | 'days' )

<time_hour_part> ::= <integer> ( 'hour' | 'hours' )

<time_minute_part> ::= <integer> ( 'minute' | 'minutes' | 'min' | 'mins')

<time_second_part> ::= <integer> ( 'second' | 'seconds' | 'sec' | 'secs')

<time_millisecond_part> ::= <integer> ( 'millisecond' | 'milliseconds' | 'msec' | 'msecs')

<date_time_string> ::= <digit><digit><digit><digit> ('-' | '/' | '.') <digit><digit>
                       ('-' | '/' | '.') <digit><digit>
                       <digit><digit> ':' <digit><digit> ':' <digit><digit>