To be consistent, we also use the car demo data to describe our hadoop indexing system. Sensei package comes with a car demo hadoop-indexing example and it mainly has four simple files. The first one "" is a simple main class providing a starting point for running the program. "" is a sample converter class to convert the input data record for map job. "" is another class to provide a user-specified sharding strategy. Also we need a configuration file to help Sensei Hadoop indexer to configure all the rest properties, a sample configuration file can be found at "example/hadoop-indexing/conf/JobCarDemo.job".
To run the demo, simple compile and package the project into an excutable jar file called CarDemo.jar. Then run "hadoop jar CarDemo.jar".
(You need to specify the job configuration file location in, and upload the schema file into the HDFS system before running, and also the location of the schema file should be set in the configuration file)
type=java job.class=com.sensei.indexing.hadoop.demo.CarDemo mapreduce.job.maps=2 sensei.num.shards=3 # if the output.path already exists, delete it first sensei.force.output.overwrite=true # adjust this to a small one if mapper number is huge. default is 50Mb = 52428800 sensei.max.ramsize.bytes=52428800 ############# path of schema for interpreter ############# ##### TextJSON schema Sample (car demo) absolute path ###### sensei.schema.file.url=conf/schema.xml ############ Input and Output ################## ####### Text JSON data (car demo) ##### read.lock=data/cars.json sensei.input.dirs=data/cars.json ######## Output configuration ###### write.lock=example/hadoop-indexing/output sensei.output.dir=example/hadoop-indexing/fileoutput ######## Index output location ###### sensei.index.path=example/hadoop-indexing/index ############# schemas for mapper input ################ sensei.input.format=org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat ############## Sharding strategy ################ sensei.distribution.policy=com.sensei.indexing.hadoop.demo.CarShardingStrategy ############# Converter for mapper input (data conversion and filtering) ########## sensei.mapinput.converter=com.sensei.indexing.hadoop.demo.CarMapInputConverter ############# Analyzer configuration for lucene ############### sensei.document.analyzer=org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer sensei.document.analyzer.version=LUCENE_30