
Building Sensei

Getting the Sensei source code and building the entire system is straightforward. Only two commands are needed:

  1. Checking out the source code from trunk:

      $ git clone git:// sensei-trunk
  2. Building Sensei using ant:

      $ ant

Starting ZooKeeper

In order to run the sample of Sensei search, you have to run an instance of ZooKeeper first.

You may download ZooKeeper from

Using the sample configuration file in zookeeper-3.2.0/conf by copying zookeeper-3.2.0/conf/zoo_sample.cfg to zookeeper-3.2.0/conf/zoo.cfg and start an instance of ZooKeeper by running

  $ zookeeper-3.2.0/bin/ start

For details, see

Starting Sensei Nodes

You can use command bin/ to start a server node. This command takes one argument: conf.dir, which contains all configuration information for a given Sensei node.

Here is an example command-line that will work to fire up a single sensei node with some sample data:

  $ bin/ conf


Do not expect to see any logs after running this command. If you run it, have ZooKeeper up and running, a REST server (as discussed below) will also be started, and you will be able to get some sample search results.

Web Application and RESTful End-Point

When developing applications using Sensei, we found it convenient to have a RESTful end-point that provides data in JSON format. Having a RESTful end-point allows one to query the Sensei system in an ad-hoc way, and having a JSON formatted output provides a way to investigate the result set without having the need to depend on jars or any other types of code binding.

When a Sensei node is started, a RESTful end-point along with a web interactive client would be started as well:

  • RESTful end-point:

  • Web client


Starting Clients

After you start at least one node, you can run

  $ bin/ client-conf

to start a client. You can edit client-conf/sensei-client.conf to change the properties.

Type help to see command list:

  $ bin/ client-conf
  > help
  help - prints this message
  exit - quits
  info - prints system information
  query <query string> - sets query text
  facetspec <name>:<minHitCount>:<maxCount>:<sort> - add facet spec
  page <offset>:<count> - set paging parameters
  select <name>:<value1>,<value2>... - add selection, with ! in front of value indicates a not
  sort <name>:<dir>,... - set sort specs
  showReq: shows current request
  clear: clears current request
  clearSelections: clears all selections
  clearSelection <name>: clear selection specified
  clearFacetSpecs: clears all facet specs
  clearFacetSpec <name>: clears specified facetspec
  browse - executes a search